355 Squadron “Hephaestus”, 112 Combat Wing, Hellenic Air Force, Elefsina, Greece, November 2018
Canadair CL-215 Scooper

355 Squadron “Hephaestus”, 112 Combat Wing, Hellenic Air Force, Elefsina, Greece, November 2018
363 Training Squadron, 120 Training Wing, Hellenic Air Force, Kalamata Greece, 2021
70-years Anniversary of 338 Squadron “Ares”, 117 Wing, Hellenic Air Force, Andravida, Greece, 2023
342 Squadron “Sparta”, 114 Wing, Hellenic Air Force, Tanagra, Greece, 1975
341 Squadron, 114 Wing, Hellenic Air Force, Tanagra, Greece, 1959
342 Squadron, 114 Wing, Hellenic Air Force, Tanagra, Greece, 1995
335 Squadron (“Tiger”), 116 Wing, Araxos, Hellenic Air-Force, 1989
332 Squadron “Geraki” (Hawk), 114 Wing, Hellenic Air Force, Tanagra, Greece, 2020
TR-597 with tail section of TR-550.
222 Training Squadron, 115 Wing, Hellenic Air Force, Souda, Greece, 1989
338 Squadron “Ares”, 117 Wing, Hellenic Air Force, Andravida, Greece, 2016