
Hi! I’m George.

Ever since I can remember, building things was my favorite past time. Furthermore, I always loved airplanes. Right in the middle of the Venn diagram of these two is scale modeling, so, as a teenager I picked it up as a hobby. Back then I had limited resources (pocket money), so I did not progress much at this. Later, as I got more involved with computers, my love for building things focused there and faded away from scale modelling. I never entirely forgot it though.

A few years ago, an old colleague of mine started sharing posts from a modeling related facebook user group. I joined the group and started looking at the work of its members, longing to start building models again. But free time (and money) was limited so, all I could do was keep looking.

Fast forward to the lockdown of 2020! Suddenly I had free lot’s of free time, so I thought to try to restart my old hobby!

The models, materials, tools and techniques have advanced so far from what I remembered 25 years ago!

I started with a 1/72 scale model (the F4U-1A Corsair) but I immediately realized that – even though models in 1/72 scale are the most popular and cover every subject – they are too small for me. Since then I focused on making models in 1/48 scale. I can build more details and they don’t take that much display space.

There is still a lot of room for improvement but I am getting better with each new model…

Ask me anything!

Social info

You can find me in Mastodon, Threads, Facebook and Instagram. I reply to most of the emails that I receive at george @ zupergeorge . com